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Mother's Call

Mother's Call 

(71's flexibility is composed on the front line) 

What a bad dream split the leg to wake up 

All of a sudden, I didn't see the earth; 

Meter Mr Smile on the night to watch the star 

Has reported that profound love 

An electrical storm ascends amidst various stars 

It's a discourteous news in the ears. 

O individuals of Bengal tune in to the general population 

The brutal insights are in the nation. 

In the place of Bengal, 

Fierce junky rulers are murdering 

Understudy instructors and elderly lives 

In return, their lives have been devastated. 

In the blood of the unarmed sibling 

The expressway has been red 

Padma Meghna was taken off 

What's more, Buriganga water. 

The sun sparkles noticeable all around in the sky 

It is reflected in the photo of that delicate blood 

She make the scene touch to the tulle 

Can not demonstrate any writer 

Offered life to opportunity 

What number of understudy working youth gatherings 

Sonahara mother's heart beat 

Nature has tears. 

For the sake of the administer, they were happy 

Western Khan administering party 

Remaining against abuse 

Rancher Workers and Chhatra Dal 

Enter a similar guideline 

Conscious a similar dream 

Also, not in benevolence - in nonpartisanship 

The scarecrow opens the entryway. 

O wake up, wake up, wake up, secure your nation 

The dirt of Bengal has turned out to be fundamentally the same as in blood and it has been very like Rana. 

Take away the weapons of war as the explorer of equity 

Try not to judge the Western gathering altogether. 

Try not to be reluctant to do equity in the method for equity 

Blood of a large number of saints 

This nation will be win.

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